During an interview with W. E. Parker Elementary School Librarian, Melissa Nicholson, I was able learn how she implements AASL National School Librarian Standards. Nicholson shared how she implements the Engage competencies with students at her school (M. Nicholson, personal communication, October 12, 2020).
Nicholson utilizes digital citizenship lessons available through Common Sense Education with all of her K-5th grade students. She feels that the lessons provide real digital challenges and dilemmas that students could face. These lessons lead to additional lessons about the ethical use of internet sources and databases available through SCDiscus.
Since many of the teachers feel that they do not have the time to teach digital citizenship lessons, Nicholson decided to work collaboratively with them to meet this need. Nicholson is on a fixed schedule, so her time with classes is limited to only thirty minutes. This makes it difficult to have in depth discussions, since the students must also check out library books during this short amount of time.
American Association of School Librarians. (2018). National school library standards for learners, school librarians, and school libraries. American Library Association.
Common Sense Education. (n.d.) Digital citizenship. https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-